Hi and welcome to the blogsite of Steve ‘Starlo’ Starling*. In this blogsite, I explore all manner of fishing-related topics. I also offer more detail and background on the videos I regularly post on my “Starlo Gets Reel” channel on YouTube, which I strongly recommend subscribing to. My primary motivation in all of these endeavours will always be to improve your enjoyment and understanding of recreational angling. If you’re interested in following these pages and blogs, please click to accept e-mail notifications about their postings (simply scroll down to the bottom of the menu column at left and click where appropriate), and also consider joining me on Facebook at Starlo’s Fishotopia and following me on Instagram and Twitter.
* Steve ‘Starlo’ Starling is Australia’s best-known and most prolific fishing writer, having published over 20 books, thousands of magazine articles and scores of DVDs and videos. Starlo was a co-presenter on the “Rex Hunt Fishing Adventures” TV show through the 1990s and is today increasingly active in on-line recreational angling media.