Most keen fishers experience a certain amount of “wanderlust” from time to time. Jo and I are no different. For us, this itchy feet syndrome manifests itself as a deep yearning to cast our lines into exotic waters and catch new, exciting species… We know that many of you share our affliction!
Over the years we’ve been fortunate enough to visit some magnificent angling destinations within Australia and beyond, and now we’ve begun hand-picking a very small number of the best of them to serve as venues for our personally hosted trips.

Hosting a trip, as opposed to guiding, allows me to fish and work alongside of you. That sounds like a whole lot more fun to me!
Let me stress that “hosting” a fishing trip is a very different thing to guiding one! Jo and I will be accompanying you on these trips and sharing the excitement as active participants ourselves, and we will definitely be fishing right there alongside you! However, we’ll also be working. For us, that means snapping images, recording video clips and collecting other material for our various media outlets (on-line, digital and hard copy or print). For this reason, we’ll be asking you to sign a “talent release form” prior to our departure. It’s not compulsory that you do so and, should you choose not to, we will avoid using your image and name in our follow-up feature articles, blogs and so on… But we’d love to be able to include you!
Jo and I have travelled and fished widely across the globe and around Australia. Between us, we’ve wet a line in over 15 countries and almost every part of each Australian state and territory. We know excellent fishing when we see it, and we recognize high quality operators and superior destinations. We don’t give our ultimate tick of approval to many, so you can be sure that when we do, they are very special places and people indeed! So, in a way, we’ve done all the homework for you…
Furthermore, we’ve been able to negotiate package prices, prime fishing times and extra benefits at these destinations, and we are passing these on to you. It’s fair to say that you wouldn’t get the same deals or opportunities if you shopped and travelled alone.
Finally, you will have personal, one-on-one access to us, and a chance to tap into our years of experience. We will endeavour to fish with each of you (and this should be easily achievable on most trips), and also share the all-important nightly “de-brief” over a great meal and a few beverages! In our opinion, these are the things that great fishing memories are truly made of.

There are absolutely no guarantees in life, or fishing! At least I caught one on this tough day… albeit one only slightly larger than my lure.
Remember however that there can be no guarantees in fishing, no matter how wonderful the destination is, nor how competent the operators are. If a combined angling history of more than 70 years has taught us one thing above all others, it’s to expect the unexpected! Weather and fish can and will throw the odd curve ball. We will always do our best to pick the most consistent times for the destinations we choose and have back-up contingencies in place if one form of fishing or another is knocked out by unforeseen circumstances. But you need to accept (as we do) that the passion we share is called “fishing”, not “catching”!
We’d love to be able to share with you the once-in-a-lifetime adventures represented by our exclusive, personally hosted trips to these fabulous destinations. Please read on and have think about which package most appeals to you, then express your interest in taking part by clicking here or on the link at the bottom of each destination page.
Also, understand that an expression of interest carries absolutely no binding commitment to book a spot, nor spend a cent. It simply puts you on the list of potential participants and allows us to keep you informed about trip details and suggested departure dates. It also permits us to communicate with you and answer any questions you may have about specific trips and destinations.
We look forward to fishing with you!
Tight Lines,
Starlo & Jo
IF YOU WISH TO JOIN US on one of these trips, it’s imperative that you tell us which option you choose. To do this, you simply click on the button that registers your interest and select the option that best suits you. In the event that your chosen date is not the majority preferred, we will contact you to see if you are happy to come on the other date. Let’s hope we’re fishing together soon!
Bluewater Masterclass Oct 2017 – Cobourg Peninsula, NT
WHAT’S A HOSTED TRIP? It was sheer fate that first led me to fish the pristine waters of the Cobourg Peninsula back in 2011… and I’ve been working on getting back there ever since. Why? If the spectacularly vibrant, cliff-fringed coastline and secluded azure waters weren’t enough to stimulate my senses to overload, the fishing tipped me over the edge. (If you missed my blog about this first trip, read it here.) Spoilt for choice between reefs, rocks, estuaries and flats, it was difficult to choose what to focus on when...
The “Lure of Trout” live-in workshop that Jo and I ran at Lake Crackenback Resort & Spa in the Australian Snowy Mountains during early November, 2014 was a great success and seems to have been enjoyed enormously by all participants. Watch the short video below for a taste of the workshop’s highlights. We’re planning more of these residential workshops for 2015 and beyond, so if you’d like to be involved, lodge an obligation-free expression of interest by clicking here. You should also check out our other hosted trips to...
Nihiwatu, Sumba 2015 or 2016
Does a 6 night luxury bluewater adventure sound like you? Well, considering this is some of the best, untapped fishing I’ve experienced, you have every reason to get excited! FIND OUT MORE by clicking the “go to link” icon that shows when you roll over the image above.